Dinner with some of our best buds, Todd and Joy at Johnny Carinos...totally had the Italian nachos and vanilla lemonades....oh baby so good!!(sorry the lighting is pretty shabby)
after Johnny's we went to the famous BYUI 'Guitars Unplugged'.Its a concert here that a bunch of students try-out and perform songs they have written, or covers, mostly acoustic but some was more rock...it was medium rare, past semesters have been better. BUT ya know the little kids book 'Goodnight Moon'?? The one with the bunny in bed saying good night to the spoon, the cow jumping over the moon, the kittens and the mittens? Well some guy put that book into song and I have been singing it ever since, it was just so sweet!!! I`m trying to find the CD of the show so I can learn it in time for Lily to get here so I can sing it to her when its night night:)

This is Chad and Todd being 'manly cooks'(note their toughness). Sunday dinner was AMAZING they made their famous lasagna its the real deal, fresh ricotta cheese and basil...just SO yummy. Joy and I had fun watching them cook for us:)

here is the lasagna, the picture isn't that flattering but trust me...divine!
hehe you look so cute! DO you want to know the best part about that shirt (besides the stain)?! It's a size extra small. And it fits. Self esteem boost for a preggo!
no kidding and the jeans are a 6, i feel fat all week but when i put those babies one, its a boost:)
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