a little update on me: remember that post how I was feeling sick...no I am NOT prego, felt like it but no, i probably have gall stones=bye bye gall bladder. I went to the doc today, tomorrow morning I go get an ultrasound on my gall bladder to check it all out. I'll keep filling you in.
Something I have never read in any pregnancy book anyway, is gall stones is a common side affect of pregnancy. And that most women get their gall bladder removed. I did after I had Zoe. So weird that doctors just don't tell you that. Anyways, hope everything goes well. If you do have to have your gall bladder removed, don't stress too much. It's really routine, and your in and out in a day. Take care!!
Hey I was talking to my mom about your gallbladder today. She had gall stones before and has an amazing cleanse apparently to get rid of them...she said you should check out the cleanse before surgery...in her words she said "God gave us a gallbladder for a reason". Obviously you can't be in pain forever, so if surgery is the best option then go for it, but if you want more info on the cleanse my mom would love to fill you in :)
Love, Hannah
Wow this picture on the bike is so cute...they look so much alike!! Good luck with your appointment tomorrow...
Good thing you said Lily was the one with her foot on the bike, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell which one was which! I was to cut my hair and I posted a pic of how I want it. It needs your approval.
That is the Best picture ever, they look like twins!!
Sorry to hear about the pain you've been having I hope that everything goes well with you.
I need to give you a call there's this strawberry festival Satuday at Boxx Berry Farms and they have some things for little kids to do! Plus you need to come and hang out with Lily on our bouncy castle! We've got some really nice weather for the next week!!
Cute photo! Definitely twins (and I hear the same thing about Mike and Anna Kate!). Hope you are feeling better.
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