Tuesday, July 15, 2008

celebration (I know 4th post...a lots going on, and a lot of pics recently ok)

so the fam all went out to dinner at the new and improved Giuseppe's to celebrate Chad finishing his undergrad. It was SO dang good, highly recommend it, especially on a week day, barely anyone there.
such a beautiful evening!
we kinda really look like...not photogenic at all here but its proof that we were there:)
(ps- I totally got that skirt at Value Village for like a buck...I have a gift for finding good stuff there)


Jeremy Saunders said...

Oh I love Guiseppes'! Yeah for the marathon! At this point, I would love for my foot to heal enough to where I would consider running one just so I can run! With this nice weather I see people out running all the time and I ache! Your Lily is too adorable! She is beautiful!

Logan and Lisa said...

Rach you look so cute- love your outfit and Lily is just growing up. What a doll!

Jeff, Traci and Kaden said...

Yay for Chad! Thanks for your input on the whole dizziness during pregnancy thing. I decided not to get the test done because it's really something that I can live with. Plus, only another 11 weeks!!

Nicole said...

Rachel, lily's bikini is so freaking cute! I love it!!! You also got me pretty teary-eyes about your mom. I remember talking to you about it, but see the bag and hearing you talk about her and lily did me in! You have a great perspective on life....what would we do without the gospel....and I really admire you for who you are and the kind of person you decided to be because of it! I miss you and can't wait till Aug 2!

April said...

I've never been there but I have heard such great things about it!
We'll have to give it a try!!