So last Sunday while holding Lils, I got 4 times "oh what a cute little GUY". Apparently her striped sweater (there was pink in it) and her pink skirt wasnt enough to make her gender obvious, or maybe here in OR people often dress their sons in pink skirts and girly sweaters? This Sunday she had her girly jumper, frilly pink onsie and a pink head band. And yes, people called her a 'her'. She LOVES to walk, and does really well going up stairs actually, I wanna get video of it, we laugh so hard watching.

This ones for Mal, I was thinking of putting her on a big blue pillow to take the picture, she often sits like this, best part was she was flailing her arms and clapping a little...ummm no offense but I dont really want her to be a mat maid.

After Church we had some friends over for dinner and then played Ticket To Ride! Whenever we get together with the Jensens, we play this. I thought I totally beat everyone this time...no Chad beat me by one. And yes I am still annoyed he did.

Clark and Lils under the table, he was her entertainment for the night, we are thinking of hiring him actually.

Little Logan, probably the sweetest little boy I have ever met. He has a soft little voice, smiles ALL the time and will laugh at the drop of a hat. This was during a cool down session, it was getting pretty hot in our apt.
Rach you always look so dang cute. I bet you have amazing stores to shop at where you guys are at.
Lily is so girl. People in OR must all be on drugs.:)
Oh! Zack is on my lap and saw a picture of Lily and his pacifier fell out of his mouth and he is just staring. Yep, it's official. They will attack each other the moment they met.
I can't believe how big she is getting! I love reading your blog! Hope you don't mind! You have such a cute family!
I hadn't been here in awhile. cute photos. You really do well with your camera phone. You should teach me. I wish I'd known you were up and going to the temple. I was just thinking it would be fun to meet you there sometime, somehow:) Glad you got to go. It's too bad we live on the other side 'cause I'm sure Haylee would babysit:)
i cant believe how big lilly is getting and that she can crawl!! thats so exciting!! i think grace will crawl here soon too!! to answer your question i make her headbands!! they are really easy if you want to do them! you just buy the knee highs in the womens department at walmart..its 33 cents for 2 and then you just buy the flowers or whatever you want and glue the knee high together then glue the flower to the knee high using a glue gun!! oh and lilly is so cute!
Send me an email with your address because I made cutie pie Lily a headband! My email address is majagent@msn.com
Anna Kate still gets called a boy. I try to either have her hair in a pony on top or at least a bow in her hair. People are crazy.
Also, we LOVE ticket to ride. Mike and I play it all the time. Out of the last 9 times I've won 7... go me! :)
people are so dumb.... the same thing happens to blaine when she is wearing the foofiest outfit or whatever. Maybe it is their ears? Blaine and lily both got their daddy's ears :) i think it only makes them cuter!
to answer your questions.... i had just told people like two days before i posted that pregnancy/bday post. the baby is due march 20th. and they we will be one week less than 18 months apart (so nice and close). but we wanted it that way. it was kind of crazy though because we got preg the first month that we decided to try. it was unreal at first but it is way more real now and i am so excited for blaine to have a little playmate! plus i am all for fall/winter babies. anyway, when are you guys going for your 2nd?
Yeah, we get that all the time with our Lily if she's even wearing blue overalls with a pink shirt. Lily sometimes sits in a jazz sit too! Crazy how much they're both alike!
I love the picture of Lily gawking at Clark! (At least that's how it looks from that angle.) I LOVE Ticket to Ride! You and the Jensen's are so lucky to be there together!
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