About a week and a half ago I made the decision to be a vegetarian. That's right, no more meat. And I have to say I absolutely LOVE how I feel, I eat so much better. I am not doing it for animal rights or anything, and I know that meat is not bad, and I don't think that everyone is evil for eating meat either, so no lectures please. (Can I remind you that I have a degree in Health Science, took plenty of nutrition classes, I've done the research.)I am getting plenty of protein in, the RDI(recommended dietary intake) is 46 g for a girl my age, and I am doing just dandy. No malnourishment here. It has just really been on my mind the past few months, and felt that I should just do it, that I need to treat my body better (not that eating meat is abuse:) ) I have made some awesome meals lately too, (I'll post the recipes if anyone wants). I used to think "how could anyone do that? I meat is too good!" but honestly hasn't been an issue, and really I have been kinda turned off to meat almost completely, like kinda grosses me out...kinda weird, but weird in my favor. I love fruits, veggies, grains, tofu, legumes, peanut butter, dairy all that stuff, also in my favor:)So there you go my 'readers', another insight into my life.
I have gone almost all vegetarian myself. I have been feeling grossed out at the sight of meat and if I eat it I have to pretty much choke it down. I will pass on some recipes as well, my mom is doing this amazing whole nutrition program and the food is amazing and high in protein. Miss you guys, Lily is so beautiful...you guys are going to have your hands full fighting off the boys.
Love, Hannah
Pass on some recipes. I don't eatmuch meat either. Chicken every once in a while. I was vegetarian in high school. I think it's healthier, if you are getting the protein, etc. Good for you.
check my vegan blog! i love being vegetarian, too! :)
you guys sure stay busy! Lily is getting so big. You're such a good mom ( Dad too, Chad)
Post your veggie lazagna recipe. That was YUMMY and I already forgot what you told me was in that.
So crazy because we had a lot of friends in common!! How we didn't end up friends is beyond me. The Word of Wisdom actually promotes less meat eating, you know everything in it's season. That would mean only really hitting up the meats in winter when fresh veg isn't that readily available. Although with today's culture you can really get a lot of veg all year round. Way to go in the healthiness department.
Any good vegetarian cook books that you know of? And I think you should post some of these recpies on the ward blog eh?
Good for you! I was vegan for about two years, now "just" vegetarian ( I love Seafood and eggs too much to be Vegan!), and i've got to say it's tough but totally worth it.
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