2.)Lots of sweet onions, yams, red potatoes. I probably go through at least half an onion a day!
3.)baking ish: wheat flour (we grind it our selves...not lie'n!) sugar, brown sugar, and a little canister just for me of golden raisins:)
4.)Lily cereal: she really will only eat oatmeal, funny how she is particular. Oh and she is now on soy formula cause the dairy kind makes her poo like a goat.
5.)there must constantly be apples and bananas in our house, occasionally there may be a pomegranate and some pears too
6.)powdered sugar is a constant. You have to be able to make frosting and a moments notice:)
7.)Prenatal vitamins: ALL WOMAN of child-bearing age, even if you are not planning on having a baby in years, need to be taking these. So you can store up on the folic acid and calcium...you take them during pregnancy when really you don't absorb them then...look it up if you don't believe me.
8.)Meynders (and other fellow Dutch readers) will appreciate this, these are baby 'rusks' and Lily LOVES them.
2.)whole wheat spaghetti
3.)cous cous. Love it, so does Lils, go to Heather and my recipe blog for a good recipe!
4.)whole wheat penne
5.)cake mix (SO cheap) and brownie mix: a definite essential in our home, you never know if a friend (0r you) is going to have a bad day and needs a few cup cakes to cheer them up.
6.)hazel nut coffee creamer: put in cocoa, frosting, brownies...so many possibilities!
7.)chocolate chips=chocolate chip cookies.
8.)instant pudding: a healthier alternative to ice cream.
10.) (I forgot 9) craisins!!! I love them. Put them in: muffins, oatmeal, salads...
11.)sushi rice. Sometimes we make it.
12.)lentils:when done right, a very yummy source of protein.
2.)fat free plain yogurt. I eat this every morning basically (with granola or grape nuts and honey and bananas)
3.)eggs: always keep at least 4 of them hard boiled, a quick source of protein.
4.)minced garlic: if you know me, you know that I believe there is no such thing as too much garlic. (I even have a apron that says it!)
5.)hummus + feta = LOVE. Amazing with pitas, wraps, or salads
6.)smooshable veggies: mushrooms, tomatoes, broccoli, squash, zucchini and cilantro (to make pico de gallo/ guacamole and anything else)...
7.)firm veggies: onion, avocado, peppers, carrots... ALWAYS have at least two limes for pico de gallo, its amazing what a fresh lime can do!
8.)Isn't she yummy? I want to eat her all the time.
9.) Mozzarella and cheddar
10.)tofu: firm and softer. So you have the options from stir fry, grilling, and soups
Dude, you're awesome, Rach. I think I have a girl crush on you. Seriously.
our pantry/fridge look identical, you know? And I NEED a good tofu soup recipe. Please?
Loved the tour!
1)I've been meaning to share a delicious lentil soup recipe with you--maybe I'll email it to you this week (it includes fresh lime/lemon juice!)
2)I could do the vegetarian thing cept I don't like enough vegetables and I really dislike tofu; but I think you're awesome for sticking to it!
3)I gave up on prenatal vitamins though i really don't recommend this to most other people
ok we must be twins because our pantries/fridge looks the same! I wish we could have you over for dinner! :( and if we did we would invite Chad to make his bread!
You are a funny girl! Where's the snack drawer, every family needs a snack drawer!! When you have older kids you'll have one, full of fishy crackers, pretzels, fruit snacks, cookies...or you'll be the healthier mommy who doesn't give their kids THOSE types of snacks!! Please don't be that type of mommy those type bug me!! I'm just kidding!
The tour of the fridge has just made me super duper hungry. I checked out your recipe blog. The cous cous recipe looks delicious, I'll have to give it a try.
hey, would you e-mail me? I have a question for you, a non public question and I don't know your e-mail:)
I have a soup recipe that you would love! It's called sunshine soup. And it's really great, because it's a dry soup, so you can make like 50 of them and stick them in zip bags in your freezer. Plus they are great gifts for visiting teaching!! Anyways, the soup is delish and, like I said, easy to make (just add water). It has lentils, carrots, onion, pasta, and lots of yummy herbs. You can add anything you want too (I would probably add celery and more beans). So delish and filling!! I will mail you some, if you'd like.
Oh yeah, did I mention it's CHEAP?!
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