We went and got some New York pizza....have to say we loved it. We Sat on the narrow bar and people watched while reading the NY times clipped on the wall.

My slice was veggie, with pesto sauce. Chad's was Hawaiian. Crusts were amazingly thin, and crispy and divine.

After dinner we walked around down town for a bit and got a movie: Juno...Chad laughed at the irreverence. And I cried at the end. We ate wonderful ice cream:Tillamook.
have to ask...where did you eat? It looks great...and I love thin crusted crispy pizza. Like really love it. In a huge major, possibly sinful way.
Tillamock is the best!! They don't have any of that stuff out here!!
We just watched Juno this week too. I also cried at the end. I wish more pregnant teens would give their babies up for adoption, but that's a whole other story.
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