Chad didn't have to go to school/meetings/study groups/be crazy busy today until 8 am! You know what that means?
Improve burritos, or 'burdos' as we like to call them. We did this and I have to tell you,
it was love.
{and here is a picture for your Lily fix}
The incubation period of the rhinovirus (common cold)
is three days.
Wednesday her nose 'runneth o'r".
So that means she got the virus on Sunday....
the Joy of being in nursery @ church.
mmmm...those burdos look great! And I don't even LIKE 1/2 the stuff in them! And Lily was so cute yesterday at the park! Runny nose and all! Looking forward to our next play date!
I love how I am always so much more inspired to eat/make healthy delicious food after reading your blog. Plus it gives me great ideas I would have not thought of on my own to spice up the usual fare!
I want to hire you to be my personal chef! Maybe when I am rich and famous-or just rich :)
I love that size. She is so squeezable in a good way!
Mmm, I wish I was at your place for every meal.
Lily looks like she's praying. Very cute!
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