That's right. My parents are in town and so far Lily has been spoiled beyond repair.
(isn't that their job though?)
We went to dinner at a fish house and Lily had her b-day mostly confused her.
She demolished (to put lightly) our cobbler dessert though. It was hilarious, she had an audience from all the people sitting around us.
There may have been yelling, shaking and grunting.

We all got a few bites, but it was mostly Lily clearing it off. And would yell at any of us that tried to take her spoon away.
She also got her first baby doll! Its a very sweet little dolly too, all Lils does is give her 'kisses' and bite her little head.
All in all she loves her.
This lady bug, has history. We had one when we were little, it was my sister Jenn's favorite,
my dad put a lot of mile on that thing. So now the bug continues to crawl toward cute little babies and
they continue to laugh super hard and give the bug kisses.
Its always nice to have Grandparents around, they WANT to clean Lils up and put her jammies on (fools I tell you!) I can sit back and watch and Lily loves it.
My window is covered in little tiny finger prints.
I just don't have the heart to wash them off. Cause I know too soon they wont be there and I will wish them back.
So for now my windows are dirty and I am smiling.
PS-We had a WIC appointment and Lily is 22.7 lbs and 30 inches long, [70th percentile for her age] Yes we are poor, don't judge.
I LOVE that picture with your mom and dad cleaning her. You can tell they just love her!
I love when the grandparents come too! It's nice to sit back and relax while someone else takes over your child for a day or two. By the way, you're not poor, you're just an investment :)
I love this post. I'm excited to start a family someday and I love the lady-bug. I can't wait to see my dad get all excited about having grandkids!
And poor? Please; I still yearn to have health insurance.
I saw it last year in theatres fully intending on loving it because i love the beatles. But I was kind of dissapointed because they didn't sing the songs as awesome as the beatles. But then again who can? I have put their differences aside, and I want to see it again to see if I would just like it as a movie. Not the fact that the best songs in the world are on it. haha. I have put a lot of thought into this, as you can see. So I need to see it again before I decide if I like it or not!
Aren't grandparents the best!?!?!
I miss WIC. Had to BUY milk and eggs today...My parents should be here any minute and I'm stoked! I get to see a movie the MOVIE THEATER while my mom watches Zack because she WANTS to! I'm with you, Grandparents are suckers. :)
doesn't a year go by so fast? love the lily pictures. she sure is cute. oh and i remember that lady bug puppet too. all you need to do is let lily go at the new dolly with some markers and she'll have her own scribble baby. by the sounds of her personality, i think she is well on her way!
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