I am in love with cherry tomatoes. If Chad and I were not already married, I think I would run away with some. I've been eating them all day like popcorn.
If you had to marry a food, what would you marry?

We went on a run today at Bush park. And after, we put Lily in the swing. Chad swung her higher than she ever has before and
she started laughing SO loud! One man just stopped running and stood there with his k-9 friend to enjoyed the laughter. It was so adorable, and contagious.
I would run away with cucumbers. Just plain cucumbers-not dipped in anything. Just yummy plain old cucumbers!
beans: black, white, pinto, anything i love them!
olives or air-popped popcorn or potatos. Maybe even Moose Tracks icecream. Kinda hard to narrow down.
I love that she already has an audience!
I don't have a favorite I love it all. I would gettired of just one thing!
I'm going to be the unhealthy one and say that I would run away with Peanut Butter Cups.
rach, why would your mom ever want you to quit soccer for cheer? Soccer rocks! and your jen was one of the laurels I was talking about who influenced Summer. I cycle through my vegetables! Lately, it's been avacados! YUM!
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