Here is a look into our lives as of late:

Lily may or may have not have gotten a million new toys. Yay?

After church Bishop and Lily watched American Funniest Home Videos. Multiple fathers were hit in the crotch with bats. Multiple brides hair caught on fire.

This was yesterday morning. She stood there literally for about 10 minutes watching Mr. Rogers. I forgot why I loved that show when I was little, it truly is magical.

We went to Phad Thai last night, well past Lily's expiration date. She had to be held the majority of the time. Gramps was able to eat his Phad Thai (spicy #2, peanut sauce and rice (like father like daughter)) with her 'patting' his head (you now what that means).
We love you and miss you!
hug hug, kiss kiss, little hug, big kiss, little hug.
Nacho Libre right?? the ending? haha big hug little kees.
Oh how I wish I was there and not doing homework... one day, lovist
My e friend, I want to thank you so much for the little bit of sunshine that went such a long way. The flowers are beautiful and your visit, along with snotty lily was awesome. It was fun, we will have to do that again!
PS Bishop is a natural grandpa.
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