And it was doing something lame, I turned round slow and sharp and apparently there was a rock there. Lame. But talk about and awesome scar to come! I plan on telling my kids its a bear scratch.
Today's spring break movie stats:
27 Dresses: predictable, annoying and too much language.
Spiderwick:Chad liked it.
Harry Potter (1):magical, of course.
Crocodile Dundee: Who doesn't envy her one-piece thong swim suit?
So, you were attacked by a bear? While you were pregnant? That is a great story...Rach, you MUST be more careful!!! I'm just going to have to fly up there and be your bodyguard.
I KNEW the six-toed grizzly bears of Wilamette Valley weren't a myth! I'd also heard they preferred to feed on the lower limbs of females with child-apparently that's not a myth, either! Go Rach!
ouch, that gave me the chills just looking at it. hope it doesn't give you too much pain!
And you didn't like 27 dresses? I wanted to see that, but maybe not?:) thanks for the review
yuck. that must have been a nasty spill. i hated 27 dresses. glad to see you didnt enjoy it much as well.
So, you were attacked by a bear? While you were pregnant? That is a great story...Rach, you MUST be more careful!!! I'm just going to have to fly up there and be your bodyguard.
I KNEW the six-toed grizzly bears of Wilamette Valley weren't a myth! I'd also heard they preferred to feed on the lower limbs of females with child-apparently that's not a myth, either! Go Rach!
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