She LOVES it.
When I first put it on her, she cocked her head to the side and sighed with a smile, afterward she laid on the ground talking to it and petting it.
She is all girl. It baffles me still, boys and girls come SO different.
Anyways, its on more than its not, especially when bubbles are out.

4)Also all chairs have to be immediately tucked in after you sit in them. She knows how to crawl up on to the chair then on to the table. We discovered this a few days ago. She crawled up, opened the huge thing of Fishes and was throwing handfuls around the room. We couldn't stop laughing.
She keeps us on our toes and we love her.
{In other news, Avocado is growing. And its showing in more than one way, I am so tired and my appetite is through the roof. And jeans can officially not be buttoned.
Its all down hill from here folks.}
i'd love to see lily and stella together... insanity. :)
I love your especially. Lilly is beautiful.
Do you remember a few months ago celebrating being reunited with your favorite pants? Isn't it funny that as soon as we can fit back into them, we choose to have another baby. I did the same thing.
Your Lily is adorable by the way.
i love lily's smiles when you capture her, in every picture, she has a genuine smile! Such a happy girl! Also, it's hilarious that you call the baby avacado because one time, Aidan asked for my avocado seed. He proceeded to treat it like a family member. Oh avocado needs to go to bed, oh avocado would like some dinner, would you like to play with avacodo? It was so cute.
I love that wipes picture that is so funny!!
I think I laugh out loud every time I see Lily up to whatever she's up to in your photos. Such a cutie. Bungie cords around the table and chairs works, at least for awhile:)
Have I told you that I really look forward to reading your blog? I hope I have a girl someday who loves tutus and all those girly things.
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