Thursday, August 20, 2009

can you tell?

That we got a new (to us) camera yesterday?
not just any camera...a Nikon D80.
and I wont lie,
you would probably cry if you knew what a steal we made away with.

We have been wanted one for a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG time, but saving also takes a LOONNNNGGGGG time when in grad school. We watched craigslist and oh my, who ever sold this to us was either an idiot or just reeeeeallly nice.

{ps-we are at my parents home, and that heavenly. I am tempted to start making lavender food or something.}

{pss-its really humid here}


Carly said...

YAY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you haha!! :)

kaitlyn said...

Woohoo! very exciting... i got a nikon recently and i am IN LOVE. it is my 3rd child. i probably have let fewer people touch my camera than isla. happy pictures!

whitney said...

yay for the new camera! you are going to LOVE it!!!! hope you have a great time on vacay!

Vashti said...

Ooooohhhh, fabulous looking pictures! Congrats on getting such a steal!

Jeremy Saunders said...

that's the exact camera we have ENJOY, and you'll have to let me know how much you got it for!

Meredith said...

those pictures of Lils are Great!! I love the bokah!

April said...

good for you, I am wanting a new camera so bad.
Give me a call.