Here I am: face washed, teethed flossed (have I ever mentioned that I am slightly addicted to flossing?) and brushed, jamas (stretchy pants and an obnoxiously large t-shirt) on, at my cousin's empty casa, just waiting for my Jim (watching the soccer channel=probably will be waiting all night) to join me.
Tomorrow we make the trek to one of my most favorite places in the whole wide world (right up there with ikea/target/costco!) Sandpoint ID. This is a magical place full of sun, family, beautiful scenery, amazing food and lots of laughter.
Going really is one the highlights of the whole year for us.
I cant wait to see everyone and I reeeeally cant wait to see THIS GUY and my Lily goat together....I have a feeling it will be hilarious/insane/very noisy.
hope you have a fabulous time!!!! cannot wait to see the pictures.
did you color your hair? it looks way darker, I kind of like it!!!! Not that I didn't like your color before! we get hooked on that soccer channel when we go to hotels. not like we don't get enough soccer. good thing maybe that we don't have tv.
ps have fun!
PS... Did I mention I love your bangs?! Cause I do :)
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