Saturday, August 22, 2009

What did you do yesterday?

Some of us played on their grandparent's deck and peed on it...

...but I wont name who.


Natasha Holmquist said...

Wait... Was it you???


Just titting.

Becca said...

I love your new camera!!

Vashti said...

So funny! I love the pictures from your new camera!

Jeremy Saunders said...

love the new camera for sure, makes such a difference. We also had a kid who had to be picked up from football practice at 7pm, so it would have been show up and leave right away, and another kid gone, so too hard! then we were gone this morning for a family photo session!
sorry! Hope you enjoyed this lovely bham weather. This morning felt like fall!

A little Birdie... said...

My favorite picture of all time, I'd have to say.

And I'm pretty much green with envy of your new camera. Seriously coveting right now.

We're back in town too. Call me when you are.

amber york said...

It was a civil wedding and he wasn't a member. Random I know, but Chad will understand.