Today marks a big accomplishment: trip to the store with the girls, solo. And none of us left crying, and we were all alive.
I went to the store today (solo!) to get fun inside stuff. Ya know, cause here in the NW it can get pretty nasty out in the fall/winter/....spring/summer and we need more entertainment besides Nemo, and Cars.
Window crayons. Genius.

Her reaction after I took her half eaten window crayon away.
Regular crayons, and large paper. Always wonderful. And yes, she did a taste test of each color in case you were wondering.

Where was Eden through all the coloring/eating/freak-out-when-mom-takes-away-my-crayons? Sleeping, on the counter, in her bouncy chair. Some babies need ambient noise to sleep, like with noise machines and what not....Eden just needs a toddler to scream and bang toys around.
We also made cookies. Lily may or may not have had cookie dough for lunch.
in the bath tub,

and during Nemo.
You go ahead and judge me but when you see her face and it say "nummy?" and then her chubby hands sign say no.
I dare you.
To work off the cookie dough, we went for a walk. Around our parking lot and down to the river.
I had this little one tucked away in the sling. Probably my most favorite thing ever, having that baby in the sling. I just love it.
All in all a good day.
congratulations on the new little girl. she is SO adorable. i am very happy for your family!
I love looking at pictures of her, she is so sweet.
Window crayons, what a good idea I'll have to try them too. This weather has been so yucky.
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My google reader didn't pick this one I almost misssed it! I love your sling. Did you make it?
What fun new toys and a fun day. Congrats on the solo trip to the store....that is a big step! Now you're ready for anything with two! :)
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