Wednesdays are long days.
They are the days that Chad leaves round 7am and doesn't come home for at least 14 hours.

So now its the game of:
"how can I entertain Lily with out involving the Nemo or Lightening McQueen?"
If you have any ideas, please share.
(unless it involves food...I'm trying to not look post-partum)
we had those days when it was just summer and i by ourselves all day long. Good thing she liked books because I read to her like for hours. But now she is a bookworm and is smarter than I am, so i am glad i was such a lazy mom and all i could do was read read read.
Finger Paint. Havah Lilly and I had a blast today... 1/2 cup corn starch, 2 cups water, 1/2 tsp salt, 3 tbs white sugar. cook in in a pan on medium until it thickens, put in dishes and add a drop or two of food coloring and stick her in the bath tub/shower(I would save the water for clean up time) and let her go at it. It just washes away.
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