Lily is loving her 'bebe'. She is so gentle and sweet to little Eden I love it.
She typically wants Eden to be part of the fun during the day. Today she came up to me: "bebe rocken?" meaning she wants baby to get on the rocking horse and join the party. So Lily got on the big rocking horse and I held Eden on the little one, Lilster would laugh and say "bebe rocken!" and then may have got really mad when I took her off.
I am so excited to see them play together and become best friends.
I love having two little girls!
let me say, eden's little nose turned up in the air and her pinky finger lifted is just the cutest and most adorable thing ever. scoot over jen, we have a new prissy girl on the scene!
[1] could your girlies get any cuter??
[2] thanks for entering my give-a-way. You're awesome!
[3] I can't believe you ran a mile and a half 4 weeks after having a baby. Whoa. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G
[4] When do you have time to make apple pie?
[5] can you get any cooler?!?!
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