{Eden's announcement picture taken by me, edited by my cousin Jess}
-Chad is DONE with school. One more semester to go folks!
-Homemade pizza is on today's lunch menu.
-We went on a date last night (thanks to the best baby sitters in the world) and we got Lily the cutest shoes (size 7.5!?).
-So far I have drawn five helicopters, two choo-choos, and one kitty at Lily's constant request in the past two minutes.
-We have pumpkin eggnog. My two favorite things combined in one.
-I am done with Christmas cards.
-After stuffing (and sealing) the last envelope with a Christmas card and a baby Eden announcement, I realized I wrote down the wrong date of birth for Eden.
I put the 10th.
She was born on the 11th.
I am sending them anyway.
cute! she looks like Lily in that picture. Merry Christmas and enjoy the break from school!
oh my GOSH so cute!!!!!! i love that you messed the date a little... i always forget what day stella was born- was it hte 18th? or the 19th? hahaha :)
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