Welcome back to real life. Its Tuesday. Anyone else like wicked thrown off by the three day weekend? Any who, tuesday calls for a typical tuesday. Today is one of my awesome friends Celeste. First we were pseudo/e-friends, now we are real friends, we totally met in real life in UT. I really wish we were neighbors or something so she could bake for me....and we could also hang out. I really like Celeste, she says what she thinks (in a good way) is funny and has introduced me to Airborne Toxic Event (one of my favorite songs!), one of my favorite bands now. Enough of this, here's Celeste:
Hey-Howdy-Howdy friends of Rachel! I'm excited to join the ranks of the Typical Tuesday crew. I know Rach through my good friend Jessica Kettle, her cousin. We actually got to meet a few weeks ago & I did not get to spend near enough time with her & her sweet girls. My name is Celeste & I'm just an average stay at home Mormon mom. I love making
cakes for people, concerts, traveling, working out, pretending to be crafty, and eating really good food with really good friends. I occasionally blog about this kinda stuff over at my
blog. Feel free to visit anytime, we'd love to have ya.
The brain. Before I'm even out of bed every day, the brain & I study scriptures, check email & stalk blogs. |
"no.... I still so sleepy...." |
A typical Tuesday at the Davis house starts with me sleeping as long as possible. Sawyer doesn't have school on Tuesdays and through the fog in my brain I somehow figure that out & stay in bed until I hear Abes start jabbering to himself. Dear Husband Matt has been up for an hour or so, downstairs letting Shaun T. torture him. He loves it though & has lost 15 pounds since starting Insanity. He looks hot. I like him. While Daddy gets ready for work, I dress Abram & get him started on breakie while I go attempt to drag sleepy Sawyer out of bed. She's her Momma's daughter & loves bed.
My cute niece Cydney lives with us. Its been a year & I honestly cannot fathom our family without her. She nannies for a few families, is starting college this fall and clearly doesn't enjoy having my camera in her face early in the morning.
Cyd. If looks could kill... Every one should have a a sister-wife like her. |
We say hi to the horses on the way to the gym. The first one to spot them gets to name them. That's the rule. |
Good morning. I'm Abram. I love bananas. |
After Matt & Cyd go to work & we're all ready, we head off to the gym. This is non-negotiable. Unless you like mommy to get all stabby by noon.
Hi. I'm car stereo. I only speak Airborne. |
It's too bad he's so unattractive. |
The gym. Source of sanity. |
I love my gym. It's sometimes the only way I get to talk to real live grown-ups during the day. I can't not go. It's really more for my mental health than physical. The little daycare there is more like a preschool, my kids love it.
I'm Celeste. I'm a sweater. |
We all head home, Abram gets a nap, I get a shower & Sawyer gets to go run around with her buddies. Our neighborhood is awesome & filled to the brim with cute little friends to play with.
(this didn't actually occur on said Tuesday, but you get the idea. ) |
It's an exciting life we lead. |
After we get her from ballet, she always loves to check out the goods. |
Sawyer has ballet on Tuesdays, after we drop her off, Abes & I have a date "down to the Costco."
seriously? is there anything sweeter? |
Abram goes down for nap number two when we get home & Sawyer & I bring groceries into the house. Well, mostly Sawyer whines about it until I tell her to go play instead.
Now here's where things get real exciting, and I'm certain none of you can relate. Right about this time, four o'clock-ish, I get really panicky about dinner & attempt to get something started. Lots of Tuesdays this involves a rotisserie chicken from Costco if I've had the forethought to buy one. Between 5 & 6 Cyd & Matt stroll in & the kids pounce on them until dinner is ready. Food is shoved in mouths, baths are had, pjs are donned, books are read.
Treasure! |
I usually put Abram down while Matt reads Sawyer her books. If we're lucky Matt will read to Sawyer in an accent of some sort. His Russian & Australian are dead on. Bedtime is my favorite part of the day- my little guy actually snuggles with me for a minute rather than being constantly on his rad little warpath. I give him his monkey, he grabs the tail, shoves it & his thumb in his mouth & rolls over on his side & gets down to the business of sleeping for 12 hours. Sawyer & Robot-Daddy finish books & she hitches a ride on his back into her room where I join them for prayers & kisses.
Matt, sister-wife & I clean up the kitchen & then usually talk, watch TV, eat ice cream, bake cookies, play on the internet or give each other manicures.
Or some combination thereof.
About 11 its time for bed & we start all over again in the morning.
Thanks for letting me play Rachel!
Thank YOU Celeste. You rock. Check out Celeste's blog HERE. You wanna share a typical tuesday with us?
Just email me k?
Side note: We find out what kinda kid I will be pushing out in a few months tomorrow (squeeeeeeeeeel!) I am so not sure, I think my final guess is a girl...wait, a boy. No a girl. See what I mean? I have no idea.
1 comment:
Cute lady! Cute kiddos! Very nice typical Tuesday.
So I am soooo excited to see what you're having! I had the weirdest pregnancy dream last night that we had another ultrasound and it produced an image of a baby with super-long hair and chunky-cut bangs. SO I was like, weird, "but it's a girl!" Then I noticed the familiar male-ness we've seen in each of our ultrasounds so far. I was totally bummed in my dream, and confused at why the baby had girl hair. I must subconsciously want it to be a girl, but when I'm awake I would be happy either way. I almost wish we had just found out when we had the chance!
I will be checking in tomorrow!!!! WOOOOOOO!
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