Friday, October 19, 2007

sharing why I can smile at random times...

My first smiling thought is I am trying to figure out what the heck I am going to be for Halloween, I want something funny, I thought of just wearing an abstinence advocate t-shirt but that's more just funny than Halloweenish. Chad is going to be Mr. Clean...perfect I know. But my smiling thought was that he should be Brittany Spears (shaved head) and have a little skirt on and boobies! Ha, I crack my self up some times...if you have any costume ideas please share!

SO I currently am teaching fall prevention classes for seniors in the Rexburg area, I teach at two different sites, one site all the students are WAY active, like some could go jogging but come for more of a social outlet than to prevent them from falling. But my other site, most can't even stand and are kinda a little out of it. I LOVE it, I seriously have SO much fun and am making some really neat friends! But my smiling story is yesterday in my 'not-so-active' group we had a big ball that we would pass to me and our neighbors and first I had them say their favorite holiday when they got the ball...after yelling at Myrtle for about 5 minutes she finally heard and said "Christmas is the best!" with a smile and shaking hands. Next time around I asked what their favorite animal was and Myrtle yells "Christmas!" Christmas also happened to be her favorite color as well as season and friend. Just completely made my day. I finish teaching these classes when I graduate and am already sad cause I love it and my students.


Brianne said...

I was just looking online for costume ideas. Kaylin is going to be an octopus, so at least she's ready. I came across a couple costume to be a priest and a pregnant nun. So if Chad doesn't really want to be Mr. Clean this year you could do that. :-)

Meredith said...

marco and i shared a funnel cake, and we got some fresh sqeeze lemonade.... i wanted a corn dog and potato curls... but we set a budget, and it was a corn dog or the demolition derby... you guys'll have to put up pics of your pumpkin when you get it done... i think next year we'll get 2 pumpkins so marco and i can each do our own.

Caleb said...

Hey Rach, I was thinking if Chad doesn't want to be Mr. Clean you guys could go as a bee and an epi pen? You'd have to be creative of course with the whole epi-pen part but it would be funny. Hope that you're doing well!