So this break we went down to Utah and met up with my WHOLE family! Amazing I know. We all lead such busy lives so its very hard for us all to get together at one time and place. This Thanksgiving I am very grateful for my family, it was great to be together and not have to have anyone medi-vaced out of the country.
My sisters also threw me a baby shower, which I have no pictures of but I plan on stealing some from my parents. Lily is already loved cause we made a haul! So much cute and much needed stuff it was amazing!
The last night we had together we went down to SLC, went out to dinner and saw all the lights in Temple Square which was soooooo pretty! It was just mind-blowing how many lights there are, just look at the tree branches, totally covered! To end the night we were able to have some good family bonding time all crammed into my parents Honda Pilot...while we waited for car #2 to get its lock picked. Oh what fun!
It's so nice to get together as a family. It definitely doesn't happen enough! It looks like you had a fun time!
it's nice when marco's gotten home before i have and he turns the lights on so it's all festive and nice. I'm thinking it would be really cool to see if i could do the tree out front of the house like they do the ones in salt lake... it would probably take hours and hours though. and to think that i only have one tree!!
ps. your hair is getting long! ar you growing it out?? my hair is getting long-er but that's just cause i'm to cheap to pay someone $50 to cut it!
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