Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm feel'n it

Today was yet another Dr.s apt. It went good, it was with my bishop actually:) (Hes my OB) anywho, I am now measuring at 42 me I have the new stretch marks on my tummy to prove it. I am dilated to a not much. She is still a girl! (we did another ultrasound) I am exhausted. I also usually have really good blood pressure, like my usual is 100/ was 150/90! Yikes! So some blood work was done to check that out, and no I dont have toxemia, and I have no symptoms of pre-eclampsia (spelling?) so that's a good sign too. They are having me come in tomorrow to get my BP checked out again and then my next real apt. is on Wed, I have a feeling that we may be having her next week...I think the doc wants it that way at least...So I'll keep you all posted. Sorry this isn't a very entertaining or too informative post but I am beat and want to go to sleep. Any advice would be appreciated...


Brianne said...

My advice is to get as much sleep as possible (I know it's hard) because once she's here you'll probably be getting an hour or two at a time for awhile. I had pre-eclampsia, thankfully it was mild. What they didn't tell me at first was that if it's too bad you can't have an epidural. But if they have to put you on meds for it then you can't have more than a little bit of liquid and that is no fun at all, trust me. So pray that you don't have it :-).

Sheena said...

I would say that get as much sleep as possible and also walk so if you do have to be induced you have a better chance of being dialated! Good luck!!!!

Carly said...

Yes-- SLEEP seriously. Just chill out on the couch as much as possible. And like Sheena said, walk if you can-- I went to Wal Mart and put a bag of dog food in a shopping cart and pushed that up and down the aisles... seriously. And I had an appointment the next day and I was dilated more than I had been before. :)
Babies just come when they want to, unfortunately. :) But it sounds like your pregnancy is a lot like mine was there at the end! Almost to a tee, except I think I was measuring around 44 weeks ;)