Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Sorry this pic is so small, well not really, I just don't feel too cute at the moment and don't wanna huge pic up of my hugeness. So this is me at 9 months. These 9 months have been good to me...for the most part, I mean I consider myself lucky compared to a lot of other women out there who have horrible pregnancies. I did the whole barfing thing and stuff but all and all its been fun. I love feeling her move around and have my little girl all to that selfish?I love the anticipation and excitement I get just thinking about her. I am going to miss that.

I am not going to miss the constant swelling, constant pelvic floor and hip pain, weight gain, people staring at my tummy, having to pee about a million times a day, not being able to sleep (I know, I know, 'that doesn't change with a baby' but the fact is with the baby I would be physically able to, just that baby will take the time, just want to clarify that) getting winded doing the simplest goes on as most of you moms know:) So this is going to be my last post as a pregnant woman, I will be induced on Saturday...scared? I would be a fool not to be, excited? Of course! I cant wait. Now its the waiting game and me being worried if I can handle being a mom, let a lone if I will be a good mom, if I can still be a good wife and keep our awesome relationship the same and better...a lot to think about, I mean this a life-changing huge thing.

So there you go, my last blog as a prego girl, I'll try and post as soon as possible with the updates on me and our little munchkin. But for those of you who didn't read my earlier post of the day, I want people to guess how big this girl is going to let me know what you think k??


Carly said...

Congrats, you two!! You look great! In a few weeks you'll feel great, too :) (After recovering a little!)
You will be a great mom, it's what you were made for. At first I was so overwhelmed and I felt like "What am I doing!!" And I was worried I wouldn't have time for Shem and our marriage would stuff. At first it was an adjustment but now it's just the best ever I would never go back to not having Stella! And our marriage is even BEtTER now!! :) Good LUCK!

Carly said...

PS I am a little sad you won't be @ the book club, you could have waited a day later for my sake, hahaha :) Oh well... maybe next month?? ha

Amiee said...

You look sooo cute!! It's amazing how different life is the moment that baby arrives, but it's all worth it. It is hard at first, but probably only because you have no idea what to do or what's going all the emotions you feel postpartum. Good thing we have great husbands to support us through it all though! That helped Hyrum and I grow even closer--it's great! Love ya!

Unknown said...

So you probably don't know us. But we knew your husband and family when we were at Western. My husband, Steve, is from Ferndale. And I went to high school with Amiee Denney. Anywho, good luck with labor. I'm on my third pregnancy, and I'm getting anxious about the labor part. My advice, listen to your body. Do what you think feels best for you. Pitocin causes to contractions to "piggy back" one another. Those are tough to get through, but just focus on something other than the pain. Like Amiee said, something happy. And rest as much as you can in between contractions. And rest as much as you can now. The more sleep deprived you are going into labor, the longer your labor will be. And don't worry about the after the baby comes. You'll get the hang of it. Some of the best advice my mother-in-law gave me, was to ask for help and to stay in your pj's for a week. As soon as people see you dressed, they assume you don't need help anymore. Good luck with everything! You'll do just fine.

Callie, Shawn and Braxton said...

Shawn and I say good luck!!

Brianne said...

Congratulations! You are going to be a great mommy. I'm looking forward to seeing some pictures of Lily, she's going to be so beautiful! And to add to the Richins' comment, the nurse that taught my birthing class said to stay in your bathrobe for 2 weeks. She said another reason for that (besides the Richins' fabulous reason) is that when people stop by they won't stay too long. It works and is way more comfortable than regular clothes anyway. I haven't guessed Lily's weight yet, so I'll say 8 lb 11 oz. And I'll also guess a length. How about 20 inches. Good luck tomorrow, you'll do great!

Jessica Kettle said...

rach! i just saw the pic of Lilly on Heather's blog! She is soo beautiful and I think she looks just like you!!! Congrats again!
