Wednesday, January 30, 2008

more random Lily pics

uncle marco

helping daddy get ready for school

lily's 1st bath.....she did NOT like getting out
so later i will up-date u on time right now....


Caleb said...

She is so she sleeping through her bath?? I am so happy for the two of you and cannot wait to see her in person.
Love, Hannah

Amiee said...

Congrats Rachel! How did everything go? I hope you're feeling alright. She is soooo beautiful! Let me know if you need anything!

Logan and Lisa said...

She is so beautiful! I'm coming up this weekend so I will have to stop by and see you guys.

Amy and Nathan said...

She is beautiful!! Congrats on the bundle of joy! FYI-this is Amy, Chad friend from Bellingham while I was in school.

Unknown said...

She is beautiful! Hope that everything went well. Remember to take it easy and to sleep while she sleeps! You don't need to get everything done in one day. Take care!

LinnieBell said...

CONGRATS!!! Too much fun!

Jessica Kettle said...

oh she is so cute! I was so excited to see you had updated. SO are you getting any sleep! She looks so sweet and her skin is gorgeous, I can't wait to meet her!

jenn gent said...

Lily is beautiful! We were so happy to hear about her. Congratulations!!!

Love, Mike & Jenna

adrianne said...

You don't know how hard it is for me to believe that a girl that I changed diapers for just had her own baby! Congratulations Rach! She's beautiful!