Tuesday, March 11, 2008

isn't it ironic?

Today I am watching What Not To Wear and laughing at the girl on the show for how silly she looked before and the lame excuses she gave for being lazy with her wardrobe....Then I look down...what am I wearing? My St. George marathon t-shirt,white cut off sweats, and hair in a pony...I WAS that woman on TV!!! AH! At least I was wearing make up right?
But all is not lost, on Saturday I went shopping (with my Christmas and birthday gift cards) and I followed all of Stacy and Clinton's rules and walked away with some DANG cute stuff. You should be proud.
PS- its totally official, we are moving to b-ham, Chad's petition was approved!


A little Birdie... said...

Sometimes I look around to see if anyone is secretly video taping me for the show because I look the same way! Yuck...

Yay for Bellingham! Sad for Rexburg...

Carly said...

Since I started watching WNTW I pretend Clinton goes shopping with me hahaha :) What would Clinton do? :)

Anyway, congrats on moving back to WA that is so awesome!!

jill said...

You are moving to Bellingham? Lucky you, if that is the case. Wish one of our kids would and live in our house! congrats on the baby. I asked Mal if you had her and she sent me to this blogspot...Very cute. Well done Rach and Chad!!! If you have time, which I know you don't, our web address is bomjcr@yahoo.com
Again, congrats and good luck being a mom!!! Hard work, but lots of fun. Jill Reid