I was driving back from running errands today and was passed by the fire truck and ambulance. For those of you who didn't know the FD was my second home...literally, like I had 24hr shifts where I would have to sleep there and stuff...any who seeing them fly by me with full on lights and sirens made me miss my old job. Don't get me wrong I LOVE being an at home mommy but I do miss my the adrenaline rushes, the running red lights, the blood and guts, but most importantly hearing every once and a while 'thanks, you saved my life'. It really doesn't get much better than that. I made up my mind long before Lily was even born that when my kids are in school then I will go back, I'm thinking I might be a physicians assistant, or maybe get my RN and then teach at a nursing school since I already have my bachelors in Public Heath...I don't know, I'll see when I get there. All I know is I miss the patient contacts and the whole saving lives thing...
rach i just have to say it- ow ow! look at that hotty totty with a naughty body! lol lol lol you really do look great in the photo! i wish i could borrow that uniform just to feel so hot. haha :)
i'm going to miss you guys but i'm so excited we will still have blogs to keep us connected! :)
Rach. You are ROCKIN the uniform. I bet Chad looooooved it when you came home wearing that! haha! But don't worry. Nursing pads are just as sexy. I know I always feel awesome with them on! Especially when you could see them through my shirt. Now THAT's hot! For real though, you look amazing, then AND now!
you better. I still can't believe you are gone! I'm so sad!
cute picture. So, when's moving day?
Mama Janice
Wow- you are superwoman!
seriously, such a cool pic of you! I always wanted that job, so you're officially my new idol :) Welcome back to Washington!
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