Friday, June 6, 2008

thanks to Hannah,

Lily knows why the caged bird sings.


April said...

Sorry I missed your call, I have had a terrible sinus infection for the last week and have been kind of out of it. Do I call the Booth's number in the Stake directory? Maybe I'll see you Sunday, at Stake Conference!
Amber was really excited to talk to you!

I LOVE the pictures of you on your longboard, that sounds like SO much fun, and the pictures of Chad and Lily sleeping together Ahhhhhhhhh!!
Talk to you soon!

Carly said...

oh how freakin' cute!!!!!!!

Me and My Boys said...

Hey guy's Yea were still in Rexburg, and it's terrible, it's still really cold, Man I've been here five years and that is more then enough for me. But we will be moving to Gig Harbor, WA in December and then were done with this place, Yehaa! also the pictures on the side of your page are so cute! Who took the pics. I love the one of you and lily?