Tuesday, July 15, 2008

3 new posts and our goal

we are totally training for our 2nd marathon!!!!
we ran our first one 10/06 in St. George UT and LOVED it. Such and amazing experience. We made a deal that every other year we would run one. I start out hating running but by a like week 3 of training (where we are at) I start loving it all over again. I promise, you can run one. If I can, and my parents can, you can too! My ultimate goal is to qualify to run the Boston. Which is kinda like...a big deal for marathoners. I know I can do it, I just have to get a 8:30ish mile time and I'm in! I have to shave off like a minute 30 to my mile time...lots of training.So maybe the next one I'll qualify??...don't you worry, I'll keep you posted. (if you haven't noticed...I'm a pretty hard core blogger.)


Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

You amaze me with your running skills. And I have the grossest/best picture to show you. I think you and chad will properly appreciate it. It's of Todd's toe nail before he clipped them last night. SO long.

Alisha and Braeden said...

Hey that was the marathon I was training to run for that year. I didn't make it cause I had knee surgery. I totally want to do one though! Cute pictures of Lily. She is getting so big!

PS. I'm jealous you have a dwight bobble head. I want one.

Janice said...

I didn't know you liked to run marathons?! Good for you. I'm trying to run more, but I honestly don't like it and have to keep talking myself into it:) Will I eventually like it? Ever done the Hood to coast? David's done that one several times. If you ever do, we'll take Lily for the night:)

Mama Janice