Wednesday, July 23, 2008

temporary pride and joy.

so one of my best buds (and old roomie) Meghan got married yesterday to her soul mate Brady. I have been racking my brain for the past few months to figure out the perfect present for them. I was going to paint them a really funky idea I had, but then I remembered a quilt my cousin Jess has...well I guess Max has. When I saw the quilt I fell in love with it, and decided I was going to make one. So I did!
here is the finished quilt. all the fabric is from vintage/crazy clothes from Value Village, the total cost of the beast was 25$ so I am proud! I really enjoyed making it, definitely will be making more of these...but slowly, it takes a LONG time to get done, luckily i started a while ago so i could just work bit by bit when Lils was asleep.

the back is kinda crazy, all random scraps that i just threw together. no rhyme or reason.


Bethany, Scott, and family said...

Awesome quilt. That is something I want to get into too. Yeah, we have a blog. I love the picture of our Lilys together. We just went and got Lily checked for her weight and height and now she's in the 25th % for height, but still 5th % for weight . . .crazy. But yeah, Scott and I know Holly through BYU Folk Dance.

Alisha and Braeden said...

That is way cute! I like it

jenn gent said...

Very cool quilt! It makes me want to sew...

Joy Elizabeth Jackson said...

That quilt is so cute! So I don't check your blog for like a day and now you have three new posts! I love it. Do you have any pictures of megans dress?

Unknown said...

I am jealous of people with artistic talent and ability! I can't do any of that! That's awesome!

A little Birdie... said...

Totally love it! You did a great job.

P.S. Bren and rachel have a blog! And I need your address. Thanks!

Carly said...

wow it looks awesome!!
i can't believe meghan is really married!!