I have been thinking about it for about a week: Could I? Should I?
I made the plunge and was happy with it, I wont lie it was like part of me had moved off to college or something, not died but was gone for good. I was ok with it.
THEN Grandma Dolly calls. She tells me how sad she was that I was no longer blogging, that every night she checks it and loves to see Lily at the beach and tomatoes. And that she "really wishes I wouldn't stop blogging".
Chad and I went to Pita Pit (hummus of course, divine of course) and we discussed it.
I am back.
I think I just needed to re-think about my purpose of blogging, if it really was worth it, do people read it, should I care if they do?
I have made new goals with the blog, and some day I will end it, but not today.
{ps- if you are ever hurting for complements, say you are ending your blog, oh my!}
{pps-if you want about 10 hate emails, several angry phone calls, and multiple "you are stupid" texsts, say that you are stopping your blog}
Glad you decided to stay. Your blog is such a happiness spreader. I love your enthusiasm for life!
I knew you wouldn't pull the plug! It is an important tool, lady! You are an important woman and you are doing a big important thing... so blog on! (like rock on, only bloggier!)
yay!! I'm glad. I'm with grandma dolly.
Oh good! I was really sad! You have just about the coolest blog around.
it makes god happy when we make good choices.
this was a good choice.
love you. =)
Yes, Rach, I blog for my mom in law who lives in a different state. It is sometimes detailed about the kids' stuff with loads of pics so she can see. That's the main reason I do it. PLus, it will be nice to put into a book. I consider it my scrapbooking/family history work. yeah that you are sticking with it!
What were you even thinking?!!! Hahaha
Thanks Grandma Dolly!
I know I don't rate in importance, especially to grandma dolly,but this grandma of your best friend's little boy enjoys watching what you're all up to too:)
Yay! I am so happy your not going to give up on the blogging thing. I would have missed all the fun pictures of you guys. It's the only way that I am able to see what you are up to these days.
I love Grandma Dolly!
Yeah, I am so happy you decided to keep on truckin! I LOVE reading your blog, and will comment more so I'm not just "stalking" you. You brighten up my day ;)
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