Sunday, January 4, 2009

question: to you, from me


Unknown said...

Snacks, or a really fun toy. Food always works! If not, try food, and just letting her play on the floor (in the back of the room of course). And if that doesn't work, join the rest of the moms in the hallway. Not fun, but that's the joy of being a mom. Missing out on church.

The Jensen Family said...

Try having "just church toys". Sometimes it helps entertain them a little longer if they one see that toy or book once a week instead of any time they want and at church.
PS food/snacks are ALWAYS a good plan. I just try to hold my two off until after the sacrament for their snacks.

Kacorn said...

We did raisins. They don't crunch into the floor and they don't make any kind of noise. We also sing to Havah during church, just in her ear, a favorite song really quietly so she has to be still to hear. We'll see if that works for our Lilly...

Jeremy Saunders said...

yeah I basically starved the kids until church time, then there mouths were too stuffed to make much noise. hee hee. mimi

Krista & Tyler said...

Whatever you do, don't take this route: Some of the members in our ward have decided to take the approach that seems to have the motto of : Less = More
Their kids run around the chapel at the beginning of the meeting, scream constantly, etc.
Snacks that can crumble aren't awesome-nor are they considerate. Check out this site called (i think, or google sugardoodle) and they have some great ideas. We always had sunday stations that were quiet games with laminated pieces inside laminated file folders-they were all church oriented, and I think we fared pretty well.
You'll do great :)

Holly said...

Add to the snacks and just-for-church toys, I've noticed it helps (at least at this age, maybe not when she's older) to sit in front of other families with kids who are busy (but quiet). It keeps Noah entertained--especially since he's has no interest in coloring or playing with his own toys/church activity books.