Monday, March 23, 2009

good day

Today was a good day. How was yours? Hopefully full of friends and apple pie.
This is what this afternoon looked like:
Me: apron clad
Chad:peeling potatoes
Lily: organizing the bottom cabinets
We had good friends come over for delish dinner and homemade apple pie. It was fun and we all laughed a lot and tried to imagine Chad with hair.

Today I wore my favorites. I plan on wearing them everyday (ok, not really) until its physically impossible (in the near future). Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for this offspring #2 but I am going to miss seeing my feet with out manipulating my body position, and being able to wear a belt if desired.

Sun+bike ride+family=very happy
or in Lily's case, it equals nap time. Yesterday for a few brief moments it wasn't raining. We jumped on the bikes to get some comida a la Fred Meyer.
moral of the story: be in the sun and exercise and its very difficult to be sad.


ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

Thanks for letting us come over and eat some delicious apple pie!! Love the pics of Lily holding on to the gold fish box!

Becca said...

Cute little Lils holdin onto her goldfish for dear life! ha ha. You look fab, Rach! I hope you're feeling the same.

Janice said...

Amen to that! I'm having a terrible time being home in the doom and gloom after being with Heather in the sun!