Chad turned 25 yesterday. If I do say, he had a great time doing so: he got a 98% on his finance mid-term (see, being a study-a-holic, and having no life DOES pay off!), and interviewed with a great company for an internship and its looking promising (cross your fingers k?), and then came the food:
Chad: Marinated spaghetti.
Me: Sometimes you are too easy to please.
What is marinated spaghetti?:
1 Make a HUGE batch of spaghetti (whole wheat noodles, can of diced tomatoes, lots of prego, lb of ground beef) the night before.
2 Let it "marinate" in the fridge.
3 Chad then will eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For dinner his treat was Coke, but not just any Coke, the true kind made in Mexico with REAL cane sugar thank you. Trust me, its better. Even ask my dad, he has a solid testimony in this.
After, a good friend watched Lilster while Chad and I walked around town and found his perfect jacket...too bad is was from Nordstoms....meaning too bad it was literally $300. HA! We had to laugh.

We have ants in our house=me having a freak out.
Literally, I freaked.
I tend to be a clean freak (I think taking micro biology ruined me). Sometimes some may call me 'anal'.
I HATE bugs, nothing freaks my freak more than bugs.
Apparently my little Lils managed to squish some food under our dryer, with out me knowing. The ants found out. All day I have been spraying bleach and pin sol, sweeping and moping, bleaching, pin soling. Finally I couldn't take it.
I may or may not have shed tears and left in hurry to go to the school.
This picture shows Chad in the blurry back ground, and Lily wanting to get out of the MBA lounge to me. He took her into his meeting so I could get some space and calm down a bit. When we got home (after buying ant killer) he cleaned the source of evil, and wouldn't let me near it.
I love him.
now everyone, please don't judge me, and please clean under your dryer.
Well, let me just say . . .don't live in the South. Cochroaches, black widows, brown recluses, you name it we got 'em! Love you Rach :-)
Congrats Chad on the 98% I'm so proud of you!!... seriously, so proud, it brings tears to my eyes... you have come so far!! Our fingers are crossed that you get the internship!
Happy Birthday!! It makes me laugh so hard that you guys had spaghetti! He always did like it better the next day.
Rach- I'm with you on the bug thing. I HATE them. It makes me so happy when Marco deals with it. I'm not sure how I'm going to do when I'm in Honduras! EEK!
Happy April!
I would have exactly the same reaction from the ants! I am glad your husband came to your rescue!
you make me laugh out loud, but I think you're all great! yes, you do have a good man there:)
P.S. I'm so going to try the "marinated spaghetti"-- love it!
i don't want to know what's under my dryer. Why is it my mom in law's laundry room you can eat off the floor but mine...always something nasty someone spilled. or left. or crawled in. i hate bugs too. happy birthday to chad!
You don't know me, I am friends with Carly....anyway I just wanted to say I can relate with this post. My husband's birthday was a couple months ago and all he wanted was dun dun dun......Egg Drop Soup. Takes like 5 minutes to make and costs about $2.00, lol!
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