The past little while I have been feeling stressed (um, baby remember?) and kinda burnt out (husband in grad school 23 hrs a day, remember). I have found my self getting frustrated, annoyed and basically not the person I want to be.
I went today with a prayer in my heart that I would feel love and peace while at the temple and be able to bring it home for my role as a wife and mother. Five minutes after we left Chad looked at me and said "I can already tell a difference". And I have to say, I can too.
*And in case you are wondering, I wore my yellow-peep toe-sling back-flats.
**Felt a little flutter today as well. Might have been gas or something, but babies are so much cuter than gas don't you think?
You are such a hottie! You can't tell your pregnant at ALL! I almost hate you!!!!! But I could never, ever hate my Rachie-pooh. And yes, I think it was a baby cuz girls don't get gas. hehe.
i am lovin' that blue dress with the white belt. Please tell me where you got that!
PS You do look way cute in it.
That is so great that you were able to go. I was feeling THE EXACT SAME and going to the temple was the only thing to calm me right down. I had been feeling the prompting to go for a little while and wasn't making it top priority to go, I wish I would have done it sooner (like right when all these feelings hit) it would have saved me a lot of stress!
Ps you guys are so CUTE!
good for you guys! and it looks like it was a beautiful day. score!
good for you two. We should meet you there sometime. You look great! you don't even look prego. How'd you manage that?:)
I have to confess, I am a huge fan of your blog, I found you on Mimi Saunders and have read all about your little family. Love the pictures and the writing. well done! I want a pic of the yellow shoes!
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