We stayed home from church today (thats NOT what made it a good sunday). Lily and I have been coughing the past few days and both have stuffy noses. No need to contaminate the whole congregation. Naps took place, and so did cuddling.

After some extra sleep, we headed to the park. Back in the day, our main mode of transportation was the long boards. We long boared any where we needed to go. Oh the good ol days! We re-lived some of that today. Chad rode part of the way to the park. I was the nerdy wife driving real slow behind him taking pictures:)

We got to the park and after walking around a bit we found and watched part of the baseball game through the fence. It was actually a sweet game, we witnessed Willamette take it in the bottom of the 9th by a grand slam! I forgot how much I really enjoy watching baseball. I think my dad may have brain washed me as a child.

The kid knocked it over the fence, so we went looking for it.

Lily loves the board. And is now loving sitting on it and pushing it around our place. And then yelling when it gets stuck, fun!

They actually got going pretty fast.

Even the ol' momma got back on. I forgot how much I love boarding. I need to figure out how to do this and push a stroller....soon a double stroller.

(the long board's shaddow, not Chad's, or Lily's, common mistake)
I love Sundays because Chad doesn't do homework. It is the one day we have him all to our selves. I took advantage and held his hand. Or really his two fingers, my fingers go numb when we hold hands the normal way...his hands=too big, mine=too small.

We ate this for lunch and dinner. Its so simple and so awesome. Probably a new Sunday tradition.

I made orange rolls today, while Chad was helping me Lily wanted part of the action so bad. Pantsing ensued. I figured out a few days ago that if I let her play with the blender buttons it gives me about 5 minutes to get as much done as possible. Its amazing how much five minutes has become over the past 15 months.
Tomorrow my apartment is getting fumigated to kill all these ants. That makes Lily and I homeless for about 10 hours....anyone wanna hang out...at your house? Call me k?
That picture of them cuddling is so cute!... Is that a snuggy I see?!!? HAHA
you could come up here, but I'm leaving for Texas and David is here doing work. if you get really desperate, give him a call:)
Sorry, I obviously didn't read your blog in time to be of any use! I hope you survived your homelessness. Looks like it was a great Sunday though.
Tif and I are taking the kiddos to AC Gilbert's tomorrow at 10a if you want to come. We'd love to see you.
Grrr, I wish I could see the pictures. For some reason our computer has been pretty bad about showing internet pictures.
My cousin plays for Willamette on the baseball team! Maybe you saw him, Kyle Stalker.
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