-Good food: Cafe Rio, Au Natural (its in Sugar House and its amazing), Minnie's Cup Cakes (could have eaten two dozen with out batting an eyelash), homemade amazing breakfast burritos (eaten at 11 pm of course) and milk shakes.
-Laughing: 30 rock, SNL and just plain conversation
-Sleep: I sleep in, well...for me that is 8 am, I'm working on it.
Next up on the list:
More cup cakes. You better believe it.
Hanging out with Mal on her wedding-eve!
Wedding stuff ALL DAY tomorrow, like I'm going to the salon with Mal in the early morning and ending at the reception that night. I cant wait!
See my sister! Whoop!
More amazing food. We went grocery shopping last night and let me tell you, pure awesomeness.
I currently am laying in Jess's darling guest room. I christened her new bedding we found while thrifting yesterday (Its blog worthy, watch for it on her blog) Just finished watching some general conference via the laptop, and feeling Eden party like crazy. For the record, its obvious now that I am prego. I talked to Chad this morning, I miss him. I really did marry a good guy. Lily is doing great, she has Chad, Nana, Grampa Toyke, Maria, Mers, and Marco to give her attention...think she will go into shock when they all leave.
I'm pretty sure my stomach grew 3 sizes overnight. Alex even commented on it. He never notices things like that!
Hope the wedding goes well, we'll be at the reception tomorrow night.
Sounds like you're having fun! Jealous about Cafe Rio! I love that place! Baja Fresh is almost as good...almost.
Went to the coast today with your little family-it was a fun time. We'll have to be sure and make some treks out there together this summer!
Oh, and I made your satanic brownies this week...I need to repent :P
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