Thursday, June 4, 2009


stands for Shortness Of Breath {not Son Of a Basset hound like you thought}. Its a medical abbreviation I would write on my patient care reports {back in my ambulance days} when someone was having asthma attack?

The past week has been real hot (80's-90's) and reeeeallly humid+bad allergies=BAD.
Apparently I have allergy induced asthma.

I had a small "attack" last night. I got a whopping 1.5 hours of sleep cause the only way I could breathe was sitting up in the 'tripod' position (leaning over hands on knees, back real straight). I knew it wasn't ER material so I waited it out until this morning so I could see my doc.
Now I take meds like an 80 year old. Some I can only take at night, or morning, some every four hours, some inhaled, some sniffed, some swallowed. Yikes, I know. Most are steroids, Eden is coming out with biceps you wont believe!

I am still a little wheezy, but comfortable. Chad took half the day off so I could take a looooong nap, I sure love that guy. AND when I woke up he may have got me strawberry cheese cake ice cream, have I ever mentioned that I love Chad?
On a more exciting note, we found and are moving into our new apartment in like two weeks. Its awesome, you better believe there will be pictures.


Jeremy Saunders said...

ugh rachel i feel you. I was up last night for an hour sneezing away and blowing my nose all night, not quite as bad as you, but i have had allegra pumped into my system for a few years now. it's really bad with the weather and having to sleep with the window open and all things blowing around. take care, and glad your guy is so thoughtful.

Sarah said...

Ugh, that's not cool. Kinda scary. Glad to hear you're doing better.

Southern Belle said...

When I was pregnant I had a hard time breathing a lot too. It wasn't so bad as to have to take medicine and I don't know what it was, but I would always have to stop what I was doing and concentrate on being able to breathe... it was freaky!! And that was even before I got so big... like when I was 5 to 8 months preggo... probably not the same thing, but I thought that was interesting.

Janice said...

sorry about the asthma, yea for Chad, and congrats on the new apt. We never came down to see your old one!:)

Johnny and Eirian said...

Oh gosh that sounds miserable...and a little scary, for sure! Glad the meds at least got you comfortable...

you crack me up, by the way...I love your writing style :)