Friday, June 19, 2009

take two

Yes that is my teeeeeny tinnnnyy baby girl sleeping in a big girl bed. After two escape attempts this weekend, she is officially in the big girl bed. So far, so great! We have only had to staple her to the sheets once so far!

{ps-cant wait to paint this and finish some bedding projects to make this even more adorable!}
candy=productive mom.
and a very sticky Lily.

Doesn't happen all the time, but today I need to run around town and it started raining so we couldn't do a park break...the sucker did the trick.

Here I am, waiting for Chad [ever have one of those moments when you remember how much you love someone? Chad is that someone today] to get home while the baby sleeps in her big girl bed, and I see this guy shimmy up the tree,
All I could think was: "if his mother saw what he was doing...." and then I got the lumber-jack song stuck in my head.

They are 'cleaning' off branches to better our view. I was fine with them there, but whatever.


Natasha Holmquist said...

We're moving in 3 weeks! Where did you guys move to? I missed that memo. We're going to get sealed in the temple at the end of July in Utah, and I just wanted to get some family pictures after that since my fam bam will be there. That's why I was wondering about your cuzzy. You're welcome to come:) alright sailor, one more thing. Once you have little Eden, things are going to be so hard with two littles ones, you don't even know. Brace yourself. IM KIDDING! muaha. I just read what you wrote about other people saying that. Anyways, you're awesome, everything will be great, I mean come on.

whitney said...

holy smokes. i cannot believe she is already in a big girl bed! tagg would be running around the room all nite long!!! good for you guys. and good for you for giving in to the sweets once in a while. they work wonders!

Janice said...

love the bed, love the whole family. hope things are going as well as they sound:)