Monday, July 27, 2009

late night wheat party

Chad and I both find baking therapeutic. We love to make bread together when we can, and tonight we can.

Notice all the flour dust everywhere?

We also went to the park this afternoon and Chad came out of the bushes with some blackberries, smoothies were devoured when we got home.

We (as in Chad) ground a bunch of wheat to make some:

honey whole wheat bread (it is still raising)
Whole wheat pitas
Also we make a big batch of butternut squash chili.
Its been a fun night.

ps-when its still high 80's at 10pm, and you're pregnant, and next to the oven and stove, you will not be in pictures, you will be in your undies.

1 comment:

Vashti said...

It's as hot as hades in our house too...I AM DYING!! Besides lack of clothing (which I am in the same state as you right now) any helpful hints on how YOU stay cool I would love to hear about! What was I thinking having an Aug baby ~sheesh!