Sunday, July 12, 2009

rain, rain

Today was the first cloudy day in a loooonnnggg time. I think we got acclimated to the above 80 degree weather cause we were freezing today!

After church and some naps, and some lunch, and some cup cakes (thanks Janice!) we decided to take a walk to river front park down the road from us.
We love the pedestrian bridge over the Willamette.

On the other side of the river is a park full of soccer and baseball fields. We watched some of a game, were the only white people there, and both of us missed playing so bad it hurt.
Chad talked to some guys that played and he might be able to play with them, which would be beyond rad...he just needs to learn more Spanish.
On the way back it started pouring.
Me, wet and blurry.
Our happy {and soaked} baby.
She did so good on the walk.
I love her.
I love the guy carrying her too.

It was a fun adventure.

1 comment:

Tif said...

Yay for a great walk! We discovered that bridge and park 2 weeks ago and the girls L.O.V.E. it! Especially going in the river on the west side!