Halloween was fun this year.
Not too crazy since there were basically no preparations at all with Eden being born 3 weeks ago tomorrow. But we did manage to eat our fair share of candy, we did carve pumpkins, and the girls were cute. {And I might add, the best weather I have EVER experienced on Halloween. NOT raining and mid 60s out side...a rarity in the NW.}
Lily = kitty.

Eden = skeleton. (it totally glows in the dark too!)
Tonight we crashed our old ward's(congregation) trunk-or-treat since it was early enough that we would have fun and still make it home for a normal bed time.
Our kitty and her bestie the ladybug.
I'm pretty sure Lily is thinking right about now:
"Are you serious. One piece. Did you even see how cute I am?"
At least that's what I was thinking.
Chad and I were both lame and didn't dress up at all. Next year I plan on all of us dressing up, and it will be awesome.
We ended the night with trip to taco bell for free tacos with some of our amigos.
Feliz halloween!
what an adorable kitty!
I love that Lily the kitty almost pounced on a certain lady bug for candy. She did ask politely first. I'm so glad you guys came.
I loved Lily's costume it was super cute and totally fun to actually see beautiful Eden for a moment.
Clark kept asking after you left when we were trunker treating were Lily was...and I told him Lily had to go home...and he said "Oh the kitty had to go night night." Super funny, but just wanted you to know that we all missed you, but TOTALLY understand the bedtime issue that night.
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