Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My life

Here is our life now.
Family is gone, we are on our own.
I wont lie, I was wiping the counters down and looked down at my girls and got kind of scared.
Can I really do this? Can I give Eden and Lily all they need?
I think I will be praying a lot tonight.


Carly said...

you are awesome rach! you are a real inspiration.

JD said...

You can do it! I remember having the same feeling after all our family left and Wade went back to work. I looked at Andrew who was 16 mos and Nat who was a newborn thinking, how can I do this. But ya know I did, with a lot of faith and guidance from the spirit I was able to do it. The greatest gift for me was when Costco go their extra large carts and I could put Nat's car seat on one side and Andrew could sit on the other. You are amazing and you will be pleasantly suprised how everything just falls into place. Take care and keep up the great posts, I love your blog!

Brianne said...

If anyone can do it, you can. From what I've heard, just try to not have unrealistic expectations. For example, it's okay if you haven't showered in 2 days, no one has clean clothes, and your house is a disaster. If everyone has eaten and is alive then you're good. I'll be giving myself the same advice soon :-).

Vashti said...

The first day of Marcus going to work, we both made sure the house was really tidy the night before. It honestly did such wonders for my well being that morning when I woke up...even if it was a disaster by the time he got home again.
I just prepared for a total managerie of a day, so if it went half way decent then I was pleasantly surprised. I am really loving all these blog posts, you are a really inspiring person and you will definatley be in my thoughts this week!
PS-I can't believe how amazing you looked in all the hospital picks, your hair is FABULOUS ;)

Nicole said...

Of course you can do this, you were created with unknown mothering instincts and everything will just come natural! You are an amazing mother already to lily and eden is so lucky to have you as a mother! Good luck!

April said...

Rachel, I have had those same feelings and they have always come right after having had a new baby. You CAN do it! It feels overwhelming at first but no one is better prepared to be those girls' mom than you.
Pray, turn on a general conference talk and take it easy.