Thursday, November 19, 2009

question (edited)

I was reading my Real Simple magazine and the question was asked:

"What is the most surprising thing about love?"

{photo by my lovely cousin, Jessica Kettle (that's Lily in that tummy!)}

It really got me thinking.

I think for me, my answer is that love has to be treated as though it is alive. In order for it to grow and deepen we have to nourish it, give it our all and our time. When we neglect it, it weakens, sometimes even dies.

That is most surprising about love, in my book.

What is it in your book?


Mallory Renee said...

To me, the most surprising thing about love is something President Hinckley said: "Love is not blind, it sees all. But because it sees all, it is willing to see less". So true!

Nana & Grandpa Toyk said...

It allows you to know that no matter what happens you are loved and watched over. Love can be constant...but as said it needs to be nourished.

Jeremy Saunders said...

i think it goes the other way. The more time you spend with someone, anyone, whether your spouse, family members, friends, preschool kids, and serving them, you find that you grow to love them.
and sometimes, love hurts. that surprised me!

Jeremy Saunders said...

i meant to say, I think it goes the other way TOO. I agree with you and adding a vice versa!
sorry, pushed the button before I reread.