Four years ago we did this:

things I remember from this day:
-Driving down to the temple in the morning with my family in the van thinking: Is this for real?
-Kneeling across the altar from Chad and smiling so big my face hurt.He had watery eyes.
-Our first kiss as man and wife, I remember thinking: crazy! I'm a wife!
-Holding hands in the sealing room and hugging everyone there.
-Walking out of the temple and seeing friends and family that I love
-The beautiful reception is a blur. I was still queasy from being sick the whole week prior and Chad got it during the reception and had the shakes....but we were still excited to get to the hotel (wink wink nudge nudge!)
Now look at us! I have had to type everything twice cause our first born is deleting everything I type. When she isn't doing that I am wiping her Niagara falls nose with MY sleeve. Our second born is asking to get out the swing which makes my tanks fill.
So much has happened in the past four years.
And I love that we did it all together.
Best decision I ever made was marrying Chad.
Everything worth anything comes from that decision.
Happy Anniversary to the (well one of the ) cutest couples I know!
I love knowing you two. When school has left me feeling sad (too many of my kids have huge holes in their lives) I open your blog and savor the joy. And pray that all children would know such joy in their lives as the joy that fills yours. I love knowing you. Diane
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