Lately Lily will wake up round 5 am, then climb into bed with us.
And then she likes to push me to the edge of the bed and hog my pillow.
I love when this happens. And by 'this' I dont mean taking a picture of me and my crazy face. I love when she falls asleep like this. Get a load of that...I mean those chins. Oh and those cheeks, she is just so delicious! Oh and please note her foot and toes too, also delicious.
I have that same jumper for Bianca, it is always the first one I put her in after I do the laundry!
I love that picture of you guys in bed. Too funny! How do they seem to push their little bodies in like that so easily? Somehow they do! But it's great too.
I love that chubbby baby body. I really hope this next baby is rolly-polly but not likely.
I got your Christmas card and Announcement in the mail both are very cute!
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