Christmas eve:

Chad and I were practically giddy. Our tree was kind of homely. Well, not kinda...but with all the presents under the tree it was magical.
Eve was a blast. We had Frank Sinatra (holiday) on pandora, huge dinner, missionaries over and made ginger bread houses and not one turned out. but all tasted great.
My bed bugs. Can't get over Eden's cheeks. Lily's new thing: "bebe, nigh-nigh." Translation: trash mom and dad's bed with Eden in the middle of it all. Yay!
Christmas morning was so fun, Lily was in heaven/so confused and Chad and I loved spoiling each other. This is the first Christmas we had a present budget over $15. So we were loving it!
Thank you Grandma!

We got pea coats.

(dare I say, dastardly?)
Santa brought Lilster a pink radio flyer trike.

We went for a cruise yesterday round town for its maiden voyage
please note that the front wheel is not touching the ground. We have to hold it up, cause she hasn't quite grasped the whole peddling concept.

The new way to accomplish anything with out any (major) freak outs. Look, we even were able to go in the mall (barf) and she did just fine. About every other person commented on how cool it was, I told Lily that everyone was jealous of her and she responded: "yeeeaah."

A new trick:
Lily requested Chad to swing her.
She loves it. Definitely kicked and screamed when he stopped.
And this beautiful picture of this puppy is for any of those that were in attendance of my 6th (?) birthday party.
My mom made these puppy hats (with ears!) for every party guest.
Talk about awesome. Or as Scooby would say, rawesome.
Fun fun fun!
For some reason I thought you were up in WA for Christmas. Are you guys sticking around for New Years' too? If you're around this week we should get together-and I need to get your pie plate back to you. Oh, and starting next week I'm going to be around a LOT more-I'm nixing daycare and only working like 10 hours a week or so! YIPPEE!!!
love the peacoats, I want one!
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