Friday, December 18, 2009


Lately I have realized I have been a slacker.
I need to be doing more service.
Not just doing something when some asks, but seeking out opportunities to serve.

Read THIS talk.

I love it, and I miss this man so much.


Carly said...

we were kindly reminded by our sweet bishop last week that young mothers often feel the need to serve is not being met because we have so many other obligations- how can we serve others? and he said the season of our lives at this time is to serve our children and our families, and that there will be a season where we can serve more actively but not to feel guilty that we are unable to do all we feel we must right now. and it really comforted and humbled me, because i feel so wrapped up in our own lives but that is exactly what i'm supposed to do right now. being a mom is a serious service, and you're doing a super dang duper job. :)

Brooke said...

Ditto what Carly said. Being a mother is all about service, especially when the children are so small. Just know you do countless acts of service every day.