Its warming up to 17 degrees right now.
I might be tempted to leave the house today:)
Can you believe Christmas is as close as it is?
Its killing me.
I can not wait to give Chad his present, and I reeeeeeeallly cant wait for Santa to give Lils hers.
ps- Warning, if you are a parent of a little child, do NOT go to Target. I cant handle it, I walk in the toy section and I want to buy everything for Lily. And they happen to have darling little girls clothes too. Good thing we literally do not have the option of spending over budget...cause otherwise I would.
target is the hardest. i see my little ponies and phones and popcorn vacuums and it is almost impossible to resist.
the dollar store has tutus.
i am jealous of your view! And yes, I may have spent over 150 at Target today and forgot my dum 15 dollar off coupon because I didn't think I would spend that much. HMPH!
Why can't I make snowflakes like that? I spent 120$ in target, and stood in line for 1.5 hours. But I did save a whopping $50!
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